3 Common Ankle Injuries

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Ankle and Foot injuries are occurring more and more frequently, especially with the quick return of sports during COVID-19. Without proper rehabilitation of new/old injuries, a focused strength training program and a coaching staff which eases you into return-to-sport, it is relatively easy to fall into an injury-prone routine. Here are some of the most common ankle injuries we have been seeing at Restore Physical Therapy.

Inversion Ankle Sprain

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Inversion Ankle Sprain (rolling an ankle) is the one of the most common injuries we treat for patients with foot/ankle pain.  This can occur by being on an unstable surface, having a missed-step when changing directions or by trauma (direct contact).  The forceful roll of the ankle places stress on three ligaments on the outer portion of the foot, thus stretching or tearing those structures.  This can create a long-lasting laxity if not treated appropriately.  Ankle Sprains are graded from 1 to 3, depending on the degree of tearing.

Achilles Tendinitis


The achilles tendon is made up of both calf muscle tendons (gastrocnemius & soleus).  Consistent overuse, repetitive calf strains or sudden trauma can result in an increase of inflammation on the achilles tendon or produce a rupture.  Achilles tendonitis can be treated with soft-tissue treatment to the calf musculature, eccentric tendon strengthening and focusing on improving movement mechanics for running/sport.

Peroneal Tendinitis or Avulsion Fracture

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The peroneal muscles are a group of 3 muscles along the outside of the foot/ankle.  They are responsible for ankle eversion (turning the foot outwards).  Poor foot mechanics, overuse or stress during an inversion sprain could produce an inflammatory response which causes pain along the outside of the foot.  A significant traumatic incident can cause an avulsion fracture as well, where the tendon pulls a small piece of bone from the insertion site on the 5th metatarsal head.

If you have had a recent ankle injury or are dealing with a previous injury which still produces pain, click the button below to schedule a FREE Discovery Session.  Let the experts at Restore Physical Therapy help you eliminate pain, create a foundation of strength, correct faulty movement mechanics and bring you back to reaching all of your goals!