3 Reasons for using Functional Cupping during Rehab

Cupping is a soft-tissue technique which originated in China and has roots as early as the year 300 AD!  Although many different forms of cupping exist, we will be discussing the style we are utilizing here at Restore Physical Therapy...Functional Cupping!  Functional Cupping is a “dry” form, meaning there is no bleeding or medicinal uses with this style, solely relying on the suctioning force to obtain results.


Functional Cupping uses silicon cups to suction onto the skin, providing a significant increase in blood flow & circulation to the affected area.  The force of the suction produces a separation of the layers of soft-tissue, resulting in small micro-traumas.  A healthy, inflammatory response then occurs at the treatment site, flooding the region with white blood cells, platelets and other bodily materials to improve the healing process.


3 Reasons for using Functional Cupping

Improve tissue mobility

Decrease scar tissue stiffness

Provide a different stimulus than the typical pressing of soft-tissue release

The benefits of Functional Cupping are:

Increased oxygen-rich blood circulation

Strengthening of skin and connective tissue

Stimulation of collagen production

Reduces muscle tension and restores muscle fibers to their resting length

If you are looking for more information on how we use Functional Cupping here at Restore Physical Therapy, feel free to click the button below and contact us via phone or email to learn more!  You can also schedule a FREE Discovery Session to come into our facility, meet our professionals and find out if Physical Therapy is right for you!