3 Exercises to Eliminate Pain from “Golfer's Elbow”

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Medial Epicondylalgia, is an overuse injury which causes pain along the medial (inner) portion of the elbow.  Oftentimes, this injury is referred to as “Golfer’s Elbow” due to the high incidence of symptoms with repetitive gripping and twisting movements required during play.  It is common to feel tenderness to the touch along the inside of the elbow, have pain and tightness into the forearm and difficulty with gripping/handling everyday items or equipment.  Here are a few simple exercises that will help to reduce pain and improve strength at home!

Wrist Flexor & Extensor Stretching

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To reduce stiffness and tight musculature in the forearm, it is important to perform light stretching several times throughout the day.  Be sure to refrain from overstretching or pushing yourself into a painful range of motion.  Stretching should be light and comfortable, leading to a relief in symptoms.  To stretch the flexors (palm side of the forearm), turn your palm up, grip the fingers and pull them down towards the back of the wrist.  Slowly extend the elbow until you feel a stretch along the inside of the forearm.  Hold for 30seconds.  For the extensors (backside of the forearm), turn your palm down and grip the back of the hand, pulling the fingers towards the inside of the forearm.  In some instances, you can gently rotate the wrist towards the outside of the body for an extra added stretch along the backside of the forearm.  Slowly extend the elbow and hold for 30seconds.

Towel Gripping

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Grip strength is a key factor in restoring proper function and reducing elbow pain.  Roll up a towel and place it into the hand on the injured side.  Slowly increase the strength of your grip, ensuring that your squeeze never causes pain or irritation in the elbow.  Hold the maximal grip for 10seconds and repeat for 10 repetitions.

Soup Can Eccentrics

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Eccentric exercises focus on strengthening the muscle during its lengthening phase, commonly referred to as “negatives”.  This style of exercise will help to improve the tensile strength of the muscle’s tendons, which attach to the bone and are typically the site of inflammation with medial elbow pain.  Grab a light weight (1-2lbs to start) or even a soup can, and sit with your arm resting on a table, letting your hand hang off the edge with your palm facing up.  Start with the weighted object completely curled up from the wrist, then slowly allow the object to lower down by extending the wrist for a count of 5seconds.  Use the opposite hand to help the weight back up to the starting position if it is uncomfortable to perform single-handed.  Repeat for 15 repetitions.  This exercise can also be performed with the palm facing down with the same movement pattern.

Give these great exercises a try for yourself!  It is recommended to complete this routine at least 3x/day for optimal results.  If you are suffering from elbow pain for any reason, don’t let this inflammatory injury persist and interrupt your life.  For more information on other types of injuries, click this button to read our other blogs with great education and self-help tips to reduce your pain.

Contact the experts at Restore Physical Therapy ASAP to register for a FREE Discovery Session!!!  The doctors will perform a full-body screen, evaluate your injury and develop a unique & individualized plan to help you get back to your favorite activities pain-free!