Building Rotational Power to Eliminate Low Back Pain

We always think of core strength as 6-pack abs, made by doing loads of crunches.  However, as physical therapy and strength & conditioning become more popular for everyday health and wellness, we now know that the secret to core stability is having a variety of exercises to target multiple muscle groups.  Some exercises that are practiced the least are actually rotational in nature, which is surprising considering that most people injure their lower back with twisting and turning!  Here are a few great exercises that will help build rotational power in order to create lumbar stability and eliminate low back pain.

Paloff Press + Rotation

Start by holding a band with both hands pinned to your chest.  Step away from the anchor until you feel adequate resistance, then press the band out directly in front of you (perpendicular to the anchor).  Hold each repetition for 5-10 seconds, resisting the band from spinning your body back towards the anchor.  Complete 8-10 repetitions on each side.

Side Plank

Lying on your side, place your forearm and elbow directly under your shoulder.  Begin with a modified position by bending the knees, making sure your body is in a straight line from elbow to hip to knee.  Take a big breath and brace your core, then lift your hips up off the ground to engage your obliques.  Hold each plank for 5-10 seconds.  Perform 8-10 repetitions on each side.  To progress this exercise, straighten out the legs.

Medicine Ball Diagonal Chops

Holding a small medicine ball (anywhere from 2-8lbs), stand in a neutral stance with a slight bend in the knees.  Lift the ball up towards one shoulder, then quickly chop diagonally towards the opposite hip.  Repeat this movement for 10 repetitions on each side, only moving through the trunk while the legs stay stable.  To progress this exercise, perform the same movement in a split stance lunge, chopping downward towards the open side.

Medicine Ball Rotational Toss

Standing close to a wall, hold a small medicine ball (anywhere from 2-8lbs).  Stand in a neutral stance with a slight bend in the knees, perpendicular to the wall.  Load the medicine ball to the far hip, then quickly rotate through your trunk and release the ball against the wall with both arms in an underhand fashion.  As the ball rebounds off the wall, catch directly into the loaded position and fire the ball again.  Perform 10 repetitions on each side.  Be sure to actively brace your core throughout the entire exercise.

Plank Pull-Through

Begin in a modified or full plank position (based on your experience level) with a kettlebell or dumbbell next to your arms.  Once you establish a good plank position, take the far arm and reach for the weight underneath the other arm.  Drag it across the ground until it reaches the opposite side.  Replace your arm and switch to pull through on the opposite side.  Complete 10-16 total repetitions (5-8 on each side).

If you are looking to improve your core strength, decrease the risk of low back pain and increase your overall level of fitness, these are some great exercises to get started with. If you are interested in learning more about these types of exercises or currently have an injury you would like to be evaluated, click the button below to register for a FREE Discovery Session! Our expert Doctors of Physical Therapy will help diagnose the problem and determine the root cause, then lay out a successful plan to eliminate your pain and get you back to your favorite activities!