Overcoming Knee Surgery: A Soccer Success Story


Olivia (#11) was an All-State Varsity High School soccer player gearing up for her junior season when she unfortunately faced another knee injury. 

This was Olivia’s second knee injury in a year, but this time it required surgical reconstruction. Olivia tore her right medial-patellar ligament, a medial stabilizer of the knee. It was fully torn, therefore the only option was surgery, if she wanted to continue to play soccer.  Olivia was devastated when she heard the news because she knew how much time it would take to get back on the field. 

After surgery, Olivia decided to rehabilitate her knee with the ACL Success Program because she knew she would progress the right way with their full return-to-sport program.  She loved how the strength coaches and physical therapists worked together throughout the entire process to ensure she reached her goals and did so safely.  Most importantly they utilized proper return-to-sport testing to make sure she was safe to return back to soccer.


Olivia’s rehabilitation program started with physical therapy.  Her initial goals were to regain full range of motion, basic strength and re-learn how to walk.  Then, her program progressed to properly squat, lunge and run. Olivia eventually phased out of PT to train in the gym, working on more sport specific exercises including plyometrics, explosiveness, deceleration and more.  Olivia completed the program, working hard each and every week. It wasn’t always a straight route.  Our team  addressed any issues with Olivia before they became a problem.  This consistent care over a full year made it easier for her to get back to the soccer field.  Olivia excelled in her senior year soccer season.  She made the All State Team and her team made it to the semi-finals.  

Her hard work, motivation and positive attitude allowed her to overcome a long year of training.  If it wasn’t for her injury she wouldn't be as fast or as strong as she is today.

“Following a medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction surgery, my rehabilitation was successful in great part due to the unique coordination of physical therapy and strength training. Both Restore Physical Therapy and Olympia Fitness and Performance are offered in one location. The coordination of services involved communication between the physical therapist and strength trainers. This allowed for necessary changes in my program to be made as my rehabilitation progressed. For me, this was an ideal program and allowed me to successfully return to the soccer field and back to my overall active lifestyle, feeling stronger than ever before.”

- Olivia

If you or anyone you know is suffering from an injury that prevents you from doing all of your favorite things, look no further than to contact Restore Physical Therapy.

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