5 Core Stabilization Exercises Using a Barbell

With fancy ab workout machines leading the infomercial market and being priced out of this world, it is important to find the most efficient pieces of equipment to get your workouts completed.  One of the most common tools you will find at any gym is a barbell!  Read more to learn about these 5 Core Stabilization Exercises that you can use with a barbell.  Try them out for yourself and enjoy these simple workout tips!


The windmill will help target the lower abdominal muscles, while focusing on strength & stability of the obliques.  Lay on your back with a barbell in the chest press position (use weight that is comfortable to maintain a stable position).  Elevate the legs perpendicular to the hips.  Keep your legs together with quads engaged while lowering them side-to-side like a windshield wiper.  Try to avoid allowing the legs to extend away from the barbell during the movement.  Complete 10-15 repetitions in each direction.

Landmine Rotations

Landmine exercises are great for progressing core strength & stabilization.  If you do not have the landmine adaptor itself, you can roll up a yoga mat and place it in the corner of a room to create padding for the barbell.  This will help the barbell stay in place as well, while you are performing the exercise.  Hold the barbell on an angle overhead, with a light weight attached (this video is shown with a #10 bumper plate).  While keeping arms completely extended, slowly rotate the barbell to one hip, without rotating the trunk, then elevate the barbell back to the starting position.  Repeat on the opposite side.  Complete 10-15 repetitions on each side.  *This exercise can be progressed to split stance, ½ kneeling and tall kneeling to change the difficulty level.*

Single Arm Suitcase Carry

Similar to a single arm farmer’s carry, the suitcase carry will challenge stability due to the barbell’s longer shape.  The center of gravity is more challenging to find and even harder to maintain while walking.  Hold the barbell in one hand, directly in the center.  Slowly walk forward in a heel-toe progression, focusing on slow and deliberate movements.  Maintain a consistent pace for 20 steps with the barbell in each arm.


Similar to the traditional ab-wheel, a barbell roll-out will allow you to be slightly higher off the ground, helping to keep a more neutral spine.  You can also add resistance by increasing the weight on the bar or attach a band to the bar as well, with it anchored away from you.  Start from a kneeling position, holding onto the barbell close to your hips, with palms facing down.  Add a light weight to each end to lift the barbell, allowing for control throughout the movement (this video is shown with #10 bumper plates on each end).  Slowly roll the barbell away from your body while maintaining a neutral spine and tension in the core.  DO NOT allow your back to curve towards the ground as you roll out.  Pull the barbell back towards the hip to complete the exercise.  To avoid lower back pain, begin with a small posterior pelvic tilt to initiate core activation (insert link to post pelvic tilt video).  Perform 10-15 repetitions.


Split Stance Rotations

The split stance rotation is challenging in several ways.  Not only does this movement require adequate core strength to complete a rotation, but you must also manage glut stabilization as well to maintain the split stance position.  Hold the barbell tight to your navel with both palms facing up.  While in a split stance, slowly rotate the trunk to each side, until the barbell becomes parallel to the stance thigh.  Maintain full foot contact with the front leg for stability.  Perform 8 repetitions in each direction, then switch your stance and repeat.

If you are looking to rehabilitate an injury, get stronger for athletics or get involved in a new & exciting workout routine, look no further than to contact Restore Physical Therapy! Dr. Amanda Zarriello and Dr. Ross Levine are experts in the musculoskeletal system who will provide a thorough evaluation to diagnose your injury. Once complete, they will provide you with the ultimate combination of manual therapy, corrective exercise and strength progressions to eliminate any pain you have, improve your overall health and prevent injuries from returning in the future.

If you have any questions, contact us by clicking the button below and fill out a form for a FREE Discovery Session!