The Benefits of Foam Rolling and What NOT to Do

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Foam rollers are pieces of equipment that have become very popular over the last 10 years.  They come in all different shapes, sizes and colors! You can find them in every gym and physical therapy clinic but not everyone knows how to use them appropriately.  In fact, there are many different studies that show conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of foam rolling and how to appropriately use it.  So today, I wanted to share with you how I utilize the foam roller and what has been successful for my clients.

Foam rolling has plenty of benefits for health and wellness.  When performed properly, it will help to improve circulation to the target muscles, reduce tissue tension, decrease pain and increase flexibility.  However if done incorrectly, you can actually do more harm than good.  Foam rolling should be used as a means to get yourself prepared for movement.  I generally DO NOT recommend foam rolling as a stand-alone exercise or right before bed.  The general protocol that I suggest to my clients (and utilize myself) is the following:

Foam rollDynamic Warm-upSecondary Warm-up (focused exercises to promote healthy movement for the goal of the workout)Exercise ProgramStatic Stretching


A few things to avoid with foam rolling:

  1. The “hurts so good” or “no pain, no gain” mentality - some discomfort is to be expected but you should feel more relief than soreness.

  2. Bruising - you should not be foam rolling to the degree of causing damage to the tissue.  Any amount of swelling or bruising is not normal and inappropriate.

  3. Nerve-related symptoms - it is important to be aware of any odd sensations you may feel when foam rolling.  Any form of sharp, radiating pain or numbness/tingling is a red flag.

  4. Low bone density - if you suffer from osteopenia or osteoporosis, there are less risky methods of achieving the same results as foam rolling. I would recommend speaking with your physical therapist to come up with a more effective plan.


If you use a foam roller frequently but are afraid you may be utilizing it improperly, do not hesitate to call Restore Physical Therapy for an evaluation of your injury!  The experts here are able to diagnose your injury and provide the most up-to-date, evidence-based treatment to help you recover and meet your goals! 

Click the button below to sign up for an evaluation today!