How to Overcome Plantar Fasciitis Pain

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Plantar fasciitis is a common injury that can really put a damper on daily activity. There are a lot of options for treatment and plenty of gimmicks out there, but did you know that physical therapy is the leading method of pain-relief? In this week’s blog, let’s talk about what plantar fasciitis is, bust a couple of myths and discuss a few simple ways to get you back on your feet!

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What is Plantar Fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is a thick band of connective tissue along the bottom of the foot, which helps to provide arch support and shock absorption while you walk. It originates from the base of the heel and spans the entire length of the foot, attaching into the metatarsal bones in the toes. The suffix “-itis” describes inflammation, thus creating the term Plantar Fasciitis, or inflammation of the plantar fascia. You can develop this injury through excessive running/jumping, poor mechanics, using the wrong footwear or weakness in the deeper foot & ankle musculature.


Myths about Plantar Fasciitis

Some common myths about plantar fasciitis are that it is caused by flat feet, that it is permanent and that it requires surgery to fix. Luckily for you, all of the above are incorrect! Although flat feet may be a contributing factor, it is certainly not the cause. Poor footwear or inadequate support of a collapsed arch can cause the flattening and overstretching of the plantar fascia, creating irritation and pain. Plantar fascia is NOT permanent! Although it may feel like a long time, the body is capable of healing itself. The main issue regarding plantar fascia recovery is consistent overuse. Considering the fact that the average American walks 3,000-4,000 steps per day, without treatment, the inflammation can build up faster than you can eliminate it. This makes recovery a difficult and lengthy process. Lastly, surgery is NOT always required, even in the most severe/painful cases. Most patients will improve over time from consistent physical therapy, activity modification and a proper strength program to help return to activity.

How to decrease pain

Some of the simplest exercises, when completed on a regular basis, will help to reduce foot pain. My favorites include: foam rolling the plantar fascia, calf stretching, towel curls with your toes and strengthening of the deeper foot muscles to improve arch support. Keep up with the Restore Physical Therapy social media pages through Facebook & Instagram to see examples of these exercises, so you can practice on your own!

If you are experiencing plantar fascia pain click the button below to schedule a session today!

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